All you need is Education
Malaysia's Leading Educational Charity Organization
About Us

THE FLAME is an innovative educational charity organization created to improve the quality of education in Malaysia. As one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the country, THE FLAME focuses on high-quality, low-cost, and replicable interventions to address gaps in the education system.

THE FLAME focus on children’s education has galvanised a number of volunteers across the nation. Volunteers in each of our chapters take personal interest in identifying education-related projects in Malaysia, and supporting them through funds and other means.Our volunteer's have a high degree of freedom in their activities including the identification, research, support and ownership of projects..

Core Values

THE FLAME"s working is embedded in a set of core values which guide us in all aspects of the organization. The following core values are applicable to our Malaysia chapters, THE FLAME Foundation does not have zero overheads and not all are unpaid volunteers – there are certain overheads for salaries of accountant and running of THE FLAME Centers in the nation

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